A Complete Guide To Wiped Film Evaporators

Through a variety of techniques and equipment setups, a distillation of compounds can occur. A highly effective and popular method is wiped film distillation. Though it’s also common to refer to it...

The Primary Components of a Wiped Film Evaporator

Whether you’re a cannabis business owner looking to level up or a large-scale operation head hoping to expand, you should use the best tech in the industry. Without high-quality equipment, cannabis...

What Is Solvent Recovery in Cannabis Distillation?

An extensive amount of solvent can significantly impact your ability to produce and profit. Without a way to reduce your expenses, you will struggle to maintain a healthy cannabis operation. By ins...

How To Improve Cannabis Distillation Efficiency

Cannabis distillates are some of the most important materials produced in the industry. As the primary ingredients in most CBD or THC products, this substance derives the most effect out of the can...